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Abby aka mum

Mummy Makeovers

Picture the scene. Busy working mum, trying to finish off a project while entertaining the kids who would not go to bed. I let them colour in my face to keep them quiet. I turned myself into a human doodle pad to get some peace. This photo collage will showcase some of their previous work (and yes my study is usually a shit hole, I am not going to lie and hide it!).

We’ve done this a few times now, sometimes face, sometimes hair, sometimes both. The moisturiser in the hair was a particular low point. As was the time I caught Molly with actual scissors about to cut my hair! Face is generally preferable to hair because my goodness the practising ponytails hurts!!

Molly had this as an idea for a YouTube video. She’s the youngest so I felt I should let her have her mark in it so I agreed. So there I am - on the screen, looking ridiculous for you all to see! Watch us here -

Can spin it into good parenting - its creativity and messy play right? So you could call it art right? Whatever it was, it was fun and thankfully it washed off!

Take care, Abby x

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