You've read my article about the kindness elves - here are some of the notes we've used in the past and/or plan to use this year. Feel free to copy and paste them - please share your photos so we can enjoy them too with the #OliviaandMollysKindnessElves
Dear Olivia and Molly
We are the kindness elves of the Christmas season. It is our job to help spread joy and love. Will you help us? We do hope you will!
Our first request is please make a list of kind words you can think of. Put the list on the fridge, and use those words as much as you can? We’ll enjoy hearing you use these words and that will make us happy.
We’ve brought these advent calendars for your entire family to help you celebrate.
The Cringles, your new kindness Elves
2020 - COVID Version
Dear Olivia and Molly,
What a strange year we’ve had! We haven’t had any cases of elf COVID so Santa and all our friends are absolutely fine. He’s got a super duper plan for Christmas and wanted us to reassure you that he will be visiting this year.
We’re sorry that you weren’t able to visit Lapland this year. We were so looking forward to going with you and seeing Helsinki then going up on the train. We were going to arrange for you to meet Santa at his post office and introduce you to some of the Reindeers. You must be disappointed that you couldn’t go. We thought we’d cheer you up with a super duper 2020 treat. We have a special postal chute in our door this year. As you couldn’t go to Lapland to see what was going on there, everyday our friends in Lapland are going to send you a letter to let you know what’s going on up there. We’ll still leave notes from us guys as well as we love seeing you smile.
So excited to be back,
Love you all,
The Cringles
Sharing and Caring
A smile is one of the best things in life. A gentle word, a kind look, and a smile tells other people you care. Let’s see how many people we can smile at today!
The Cringles
Words are so powerful. Kind words can help make someone’s day brighter. Can you help us find one nice thing to say to everyone you meet today? If you need some ideas, look back at your kind word lists. Write back and let us know how it went!
Love, The Cringles
Sharing is such a terrific way to show kindness. We’ve hidden 12 Christmas sweeties in the kitchen. Can you find them all? You of course may have one for a treat later today, but what do you think we could do with the ones that are left? Is there anyone you could share them with?
The Cringles
Let’s spread kindness and joy to our community. Do you have any books or toys that you are willing to give away? If so, let’s donate them to the charity shop so children in need can have some Christmas cheer!
The Cringles
There are many people in our community who are helpers and spread kindness and joy all year round. Can you think of someone in our life that helps others? What can we do special for them today?
The Cringles
Winter is hard on the birds, there isn’t much to eat. Please can you put up this bird food today to help them have a Merry Christmas too,
The Cringles
Christmas is an expensive time. It’s a time when some people struggle to pay bills. Shall we help them out by donating some food to the food bank today. Your mummy can show you how to do this,
You’re superstars,
The Cringles
You are very good girls at not dropping rubbish. Today we wondered if you’d like to help out the animals by collecting litter with your mummy and daddy and recycling what you can. Together we can help to protect our world,
Love from,
The Cringles
Words are so powerful. A happy smile and a cheery greeting can help make someone’s day brighter. Wish everyone you meet a Merry Christmas today,
Love you girls,
The Cringles
Around the house
We noticed your bedroom was rather messy. Toys were on the floor, and books were left out, so we picked it up. We love helping you! Today while you are playing would you be so kind to help the family pick up things so everything stays neat and tidy? Being responsible for your things and helping others pick up is a great way to be kind. Thank you!!!
Lots of love,
The Cringles
Arts and Crafts
Would you be able to draw a Christmas picture for us to have on our shelf please? Let’s spread kindness and Christmas cheer!
Love Always,
The Cringles
We love to bake cookies and hope you do too! We left the supplies out and hope that you will help us make cookies for someone special. Who do you think would enjoy getting warm cookies today?
Love you guys,
The Cringles
Today we thought you could make some paper snowflakes and put them on your window, here is some paper. Can you show our boys how you hold the scissors safely?
Love From,
The Cringles
We'd love a little Christmas Tree of our own, do you think you could decorate this one for us please?
The Cringles
Do you like our paper chain? We thought you'd like to make some too,
The Cringles
We love living here but wondered if perhaps we could have our own home? We have brought you a house kit to make us a little house,
Thank you
The Cringles
Today you need to have a family Christmas disco! Put on the Christmas lights and dance to Christmas music
Best wishes,
The Cringles
Today you’re going on a little holiday with your friends XXXX and XXXX. You’re going to have such a lovely time. Enjoy yourselves and we’ll see you when you get back. Here is a new Christmas book to take and share with your friends,
Love always,
The Cringles
Gosh, it’s been a busy week for you girls! You deserve a treat, here is some popcorn and treats. Tonight, we’re having a film night so choose a film and cuddle close. We’d like to watch as well if that is ok? Make a space for us to watch too,
We can’t wait!
Love from the Cringles
You’ve had such a wonderful weekend away. Tell us all about your adventures,
The Cringles
Today you are going to the Nativity at XXXX. This is the reason we celebrate Christmas so have fun and get involved, you can tell us all about it when you come back home.
Love from,
The Cringles
Today is the Christmas party for XXXXXX. Enjoy this celebration and share your thanks with the helpers that work so hard to teach you at XXXX each week,
Love, The Cringles
Hi girls,
We’ve noticed you are watching quite a lot of TV this year. Today we thought perhaps you should have a TV break so we’ve got some arts and crafts supplies and ideas of things to do instead. What do you think?
Best wishes,
The Cringles
We’ve been hanging out with Scuba girl, Darling and the gang. Gosh they’re fun and so friendly. We’ve had a BBQ and a swim and are exhausted. We enjoyed spending time with them so much, that we thought we’d get you guys and then a treat or two, come and find us to see what it is!
See ya soon,
The Cringles
Hi Girls,
We know you love makeovers and Nail polish. Here is a new nail polish for you, ask mum if she’ll paint your nails for you!
We can’t wait to see it,
Love from,
The Cringles
Girls, we thought these hair slides would be perfect for you, we’ve seen you like wearing top knots this year. What do you think?
Best wishes,
The Cringles
Have some Christmas tattoos, we have got you plenty so you can share with your friends,
The Cringles
Thank you for working so hard on the tasks we’ve left you. Here is a small treat for you both,
The Cringles
Thank you for working so hard on the tasks we’ve left you. Here is some arts and crafts for you both,
The Cringles
Thank you for working so hard on the tasks we’ve left you. Here is a colouring book for you both,
The Cringles